Charles Douglas - Complete Oil Gilding Kit
Professional quality materials selected to accompany the Charles Douglas professional oil gilding class programs.
Gilder's Kit For “Oil Gilding” Classes.
Kit will Include 1 piece each of the following items:
- 213S/3 - 3inch Gilder's tip brush
- 954/1/2 - 1/2 inch Flat Wash Brush, Mixed Squirrel Hair
- 954/3/4 - 3/4 inch Flat Wash Brush, Mixed Squirrel Hair
- GK/S - Gilders knife
- GP/D - Gilders pad
- DQ/4 - 1/4 Pint Quick Dry Oil size
- MA23.00DB/B - Genuine 23 karat Double Gold Leaf - Loose. Manetti ITALIAN